Personal Finance

This channel is where we explore the holistic health of your financial house. Helpful, accurate articles include topics on credit, debt management, financial planning, real estate and taxes.

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Founded as an offshoot project of Occupy Wall Street, the Rolling Jubilee aims to buy distressed loans and pay off debt for consumers who will in turn hopefully give back to the organization and help others. But can it work?

By Dave Roos

If you're not energy-smart, your natural gas bill could really add up over the cold winter months. Fortunately, there are several ways to keep your natural gas bill low.

By Patrick E. George

With all of the different types of car insurance available, it might seem like some are unnecessary. But is that really the case?

By Jeff Harder


Here's a concept: You pay a company money to protect you from an accident that may never happen. How do auto insurance companies calculate risk and make money while keeping you from financial ruin?

By Brian Boone

As if the idea of a car accident isn't stressful enough, imagine if that accident were a staged scam. We've listed some of the most common auto insurance cons, along with some advice on how to stay vigilant.

By Brian Boone

Will buying that flashy, red sports car you always wanted hike up your insurance rate, or is that just a myth? Find out what really affects your premium.

By Thomas Moore

There is one major couponing strategy that's woefully underused by casual shoppers, and it hardly takes any work at all. We're talking about double coupons.

By Alison Cooper


If your old haphazard system of collecting and organizing coupons is ready for an overhaul, fear not. We'll show you how to create a coupon organizer in just five quick steps.

By Beth Brindle

Driving is fun, but car insurance ... well, not so much. Unfortunately, you have to have it, but do you need the extras? Is it really necessary to buy additional coverage for your windshield and windows?

By Ed Grabianowski

Seasoned travelers once turned their noses up at rental car insurance, but is that such a good idea today? Well ... it depends.

By Linda C. Brinson

If you're a casual couponer who happens to stumble across a clipping-service Web site, you might be tempted to check it out. But while it's true that clicking for coupons is a lot easier than clipping them, coupon services aren't for minor-leaguers.

By Alison Cooper


The days of clipping coupons from the Sunday paper are on their way out. Now, you can go online anytime of the day or night and find coupons you can print right at home.

By Sara Elliott

If you own a classic car, you probably treat it like one of the family -- maybe a little better. But if you're like many other classic car owners, you also put your most precious ride on your regular auto insurance policy. Why is that a bad idea?

By John Kelly

Liability or collision insurance covers car accidents, but what about all the other ways in which a vehicle can be damaged? That's where comprehensive auto insurance comes in.

By Chris Opfer

You've heard lots of things you shouldn't tell your insurer after a wreck, but what do they need to know to fairly and promptly process your claim?

By Allison Wachtel


Is marriage a bonus or a penalty when it comes to taxes? Good question! It isn't always a boon, but here are five tax benefits to getting hitched.

By Dave Roos

Your federal tax dollars help pay for various things on the federal budget, but where does the money go and how is it spent?

By Dave Roos

It's tax time! You know what that means: Time to see what you can write off to lower your tax bill. Find that sweet spot between an audit and overpaying your taxes here.

By Dave Roos

Think your auto insurance is high? It could cost you a lot more if you live in one of these five states.

By Mark Boyer


Unless you're a Transformer or Turbo Teen, the fact that you're reading this means you're not a car. So why do parts of your auto insurance cover you?

By Allison Wachtel

Most consumers are aware that certain things, such as causing an accident, will cause their auto insurance rates to take a hike. But there are some factors that can raise your rates -- like the five on this list -- that may surprise you.

By Melanie Radzicki McManus

Studies show that getting hitched can be good for your health -- and sometimes, your pocketbook. Find out how walking down the aisle can save you money (driving) down the road.

By Gerlinda Grimes

Tax evasion is a serious crime; after all, it tripped up Al Capone. But there's a big difference between making a mistake on your return and doing something that could land you in jail.

By Dave Roos


Chances are your state requires that you have car insurance. But what happens if you get into an accident and you don't have it?

By Jeff Harder

Hybrid cars are good for the environment, but are they good for your wallet? Let's take a look at how these fuel-efficient vehicles stack up against traditional gas guzzlers when it comes to insurance rates.

By Chris Opfer