Personal Finance

This channel is where we explore the holistic health of your financial house. Helpful, accurate articles include topics on credit, debt management, financial planning, real estate and taxes.

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If you've ever bought anything online, you're probably familiar with electronic payment. Learn about the different types, find out the benefits and limitations, and see how to add e-payment capability to your Web site.

By Jennifer Hord

Tired of all that time-consuming swiping at the register? Credit cards using contactless technology allow you to pay for stuff by holding the card near a special reader instead of handing it to a clerk or wondering if you slide it with the stripe facing up or down.

By Ed Grabianowski

Most Americans are paying in -- will Social Security be paying out? Learn about the wide-reaching Social Security system and about the various propositions on the table for ensuring future stability.

By Ed Grabianowski


Do you need money for your children's college education? Open a 529 plan and start saving while you still have the time.

By Lee Ann Obringer & Ed Grabianowski

Do you know your credit score? If not, you should find out -- and we'll explain why. In this article, we'll examine how your three-digit credit score is used and how it affects what you pay for credit, insurance and other life necessities.

By Lee Ann Obringer

Like it or not, your credit score is a major factor in your financial well-being. But what do those numbers on your credit report really mean? And how will they impact your financial future?

By Lee Ann Obringer

Any time of day, no matter where you are, your money is at your fingertips (and probably earning interest!). Checks, ATMs, electronic transfers -- the modern banking industry makes paying for stuff almost too easy.

By Lee Ann Obringer


Is higher education ready to enter the digital age? Many people think so -- more and more colleges and universities are offering online classes and even full degrees.

By Lee Ann Obringer

Most of us have heard of it, many of us participate in it and lots of us have no idea what it really is. It makes saving for the golden years a lot easier than it used to be. Find out about 401(k) plans.

By Lee Ann Obringer

If you've ever filled out a 1040, you know the U.S. tax system and the agency that keeps it going are complex and mystifying entities. But paying income tax is a fairly recent activity in America. Find out its history and some alternative proposals.

By Kevin Bonsor & Dave Roos

When the person in front of you is triumphantly slapping down coupon after coupon during checkout, it makes you wonder how the store makes any money. Hop on the free money train as we explain.


You can stop at an ATM, push a few buttons, and leave with cash. Learn about the machines that give you money and the network that approves the transactions.

By Jim Bowen

Many teenagers spend the whole of their high school years making sure they get accepted to their dream college. How does the college admission process work? And how can you increase your chances of getting accepted to your school of choice?

Next to your grades and academic record, the SAT is one of the most important factors in college admissions. This new article explains the SAT in detail!