Money & Ethics
From greenwashing to fair trade to credit card practices, the Money & Ethics Channel explores some of our most complex questions around ethics and economics.
Want to Support Veterans? 4 Tips for Finding Good Charities
No Shave November Is More Than Mustache Month
5 Questions to Ask Before Donating to a Charity
What Is the Strongest Currency in the World?
The Fascinating Stories Behind 5 of the World's Big Currency Symbols
How to Buy and Mine Dogecoin
10 Largest Economies in the World, Ranked by Nominal GDP
What's the Most Expensive State to Live In?
The Richest Countries in Africa, Based on GDP
Why the U.S. Monthly Jobs Report Matters
Who Wins and Loses in a Trade War?
How NATO Works
Most Dangerous Cities in the U.S. by Cost of Crime per Capita
Who Paid the Largest Criminal Fine in History and Why?
How to Legally Change Your Name
Neighbor-spoofing Robocalls Are the New Nuisance
The 10 Most Counterfeited Products in The World
Crowdfunding or Crimefunding? Fraudsters Kickstart Money Laundering Campaigns
Why Big Companies Like Tesla and Amazon Are Splitting Stocks
What Time Does the Stock Market Open?
What Causes Stock Market Trading to Halt?
How to Volunteer to Help Disabled Veterans
10 Best Volunteer Activities in Retirement
Does the Peace Corps want retired volunteers?
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From trendsetting members of the royal to lucky YouTube child stars, we've listed the world’s wealthiest children by estimated net worth.
By Mitch Ryan
Capitalism can be like a warped and extremely un-fun game of Monopoly, and most people are entering the fray much too late to get a slice of the action.
By Mitch Ryan
While the average billionaire is 66 years old, there's a dramatic shift taking place in the world of wealth. A new generation of billionaires is making headlines with their impressive fortunes. Around the globe, 14 individuals have reached a net worth of over $1 billion despite being 30 years old or younger - and the youngest billionaire is still in her teens.
By Mack Hayden
A trillion dollars is a phenomenal sum of money, equivalent to 1,000 billion dollars. It's a figure so large it's almost unthinkable, yet we find ourselves wondering: Are there any trillionaires? According to Oxfam International, the world's first trillionaire is predicted to emerge within the next decade.
By Mack Hayden
Bill Gates thinks it should. Payroll taxes from workers fund Social Security, Medicare and defense among other federal programs. But other experts firmly disagree.
By Dave Roos
The gender pay gap is usually expressed something like this: Women make 80 cents for every dollar a man makes. Where did this figure come from and is it still true?
Razors. Shampoo. Even dry cleaning. Women pay more for these things every day. Simply because, well, they're women.
Forget about being anonymous when you shop. In the new Amazon Go store, every single thing you buy is linked directly to you.
Amazon does everything else, so why not own a city, too? If all goes according to plan, Amazon The City may be coming to a municipality near you.
Whether from a clerical error or an improperly offered bonus, sometimes you end up with a fatter paycheck than you're supposed to get.
By Dave Roos
On average, black women in the U.S. workforce earned $0.37 less for every dollar a man in the U.S. workforce earned in 2014. That's a pretty big wage gap.
We're not sure why but Americans seem to lose their minds when picking up flashy electronics at big discounts the day after Thanksgiving. Discover 10 horrifying true-life tales that happened during Black Friday shopping.
In the grand tradition of retail, all is not always as it seems, and the doorbuster is no exception. Before you camp out for Black Friday, brush up on your retail parlance, and discover the shady side of deals "too good to be true."
By Julia Layton
The relationship between taxes and social welfare programs drives the argument that taxes are essentially socialist, but is that really the case? What does it mean to be socialist -- and how does that definition change once one leaves the U.S.?
By Dave Roos
Initially dismissed as an isolated, disjointed protest organized by leftist radicals, the Occupy Wall Street movement has gained traction all across the world. Who are these protestors, really, and what do they stand for?
According to conservative opponents to the Occupy Wall Street movement, only 53 percent of Americans pay income tax. Is this true -- and does it matter?
By Dave Roos
Capitalism revolves around the entrepreneurial spirit: Anyone willing to work hard enough to succeed will do so. However, that's easier said than done, especially in the developing world. That's where microlending comes in.
By Josh Clark
How do illegal drugs reach consumers without detection? There are points -- known as narco states -- along the world's drug supply chain where illegal substances are bought and sold with governmental approval.
By Josh Clark
Waiting in endless checkout lines can make Scrooges out of the cheeriest holiday shoppers. Many of us brave the mall mayhem to be part of the Black Friday rush. But to retailers' chagrin, most of us are browsing and not buying on this storied day.
In the credit default swaps (CDS) market, the health of multinational banks and corporations -- and the portfolios of untold individuals -- are at stake. What's more, the market is entirely unregulated. So how much damage can CDSs really cause?
By Josh Clark
If you've picked up a newspaper lately, then you're aware of the economic troubles raging on Wall Street. But the culprit may very well be in your own neighborhood: Are mortgage-backed securities to blame for the mess?
By Josh Clark
You just got your tax refund, and you want to do the right thing and eliminate debt. But why doesn't your credit card company want you to pay down your balance?
By Jane McGrath
In 2007 and 2008, foreclosures became a hot news topic. But is the crisis the fault of the home buyer, or is the lender to blame?
By Dave Roos
Ever wonder why your favorite restaurant from back home offers a completely different menu abroad? This is called glocalization -- global organizations adapting expansive products to fit local markets.
By Robert Lamb
It's pretty trendy to buy and eat organic and sustainable foods, and chances are the swanky coffee shop you frequent proffers some fair trade beans. But what does the label "fair trade" mean?
By Robert Lamb