Most Dangerous Cities in the U.S. by Cost of Crime per Capita

By: Marie Look  | 
Violent crime rates are one way to gauge how dangerous a city is. Mykola Romanovskyy / Getty Images

Despite ongoing efforts to improve safety, many cities in the United States continue to face high crime rates, posing significant challenges for the residents and city officials. But which are the most dangerous cities in the U.S.?

To answer that question, we turned to MoneyGeek, which weighed crime data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) against research into how much various crimes end up costing society. The results were a ranking of the most dangerous cities by the cost of crime per capita.


Studies like this are important to understanding the impact of crime on communities. Only when they're armed with this information can cities begin to develop effective strategies around combating violence and improving public safety. In that spirit of information sharing, here are the 10 most dangerous cities in descending order.

1. Birmingham, AL: $11,392 per Capita

Birmingham, Alabama, tops the list as the most dangerous city in the United States, with an estimated crime cost of $11,392 per capita. The city’s violent crime rate is among the highest in the country, driven by factors such as aggravated assaults, homicides and gang activity.

In 2022, there were 1,682 reported incidents of violent crime per 100,000 people in Birmingham. Compare this to the national average of 370 violent crimes per 100,000 people.


Birmingham’s high crime rate is a significant burden on the community, reflecting deep-seated issues like economic disparities, urban decay and a high population density. Despite efforts by local authorities to address crime, Birmingham continues to struggle with maintaining community safety.

2. New Orleans, LA: $11,094 per Capita

New Orleans is another city grappling with a high violent crime rate. The city’s historical challenges with crime are well-documented, with factors such as drug trafficking (heroin, fentanyl and methamphetamines, among others) and gang violence contributing to its status as one of the most dangerous cities in the country.

The estimated cost of crime in New Orleans is $11,094 per capita, driven by a combination of violent crimes and property crimes. Although in March 2024 the New Orleans Police Department reported a 26 percent year-to-date decrease in property crime, New Orleans' property crime rate was still higher than the national average for similarly sized metro areas.


3. St. Louis, MO: $11,055 per Capita

St. Louis, Missouri, is often highlighted for its high crime rates, particularly violent crimes such as aggravated assaults and murders. In 2022, there were 1,069 aggravated assaults in St. Louis — more than in any other medium-sized city in the country — making it one of the most dangerous urban centers in the country.

With an estimated cost of crime at $11,055 per capita, St. Louis faces ongoing challenges in combating crime and improving community safety. Efforts to reduce crime in St. Louis have included increased police presence and community engagement, but the city continues to struggle with high-crime areas.


4. Detroit, MI: $9,281 per Capita

Detroit has long been associated with crime and urban decay, and it remains one of the most dangerous cities in the country. The Michigan city’s violent crime rate — the second highest in the nation, with more than 2,000 incidents per 100,000 residents per year — is driven by high rates of homicides, aggravated assaults and motor vehicle theft.

With an estimated cost of crime at $9,281 per capita, Detroit’s criminal activity places a significant financial burden on the community. Despite ongoing efforts to address crime through law enforcement and social programs, Detroit continues to face challenges in reducing crime and improving public safety.


5. Memphis, TN: $9,056 per Capita

Memphis, Tennessee, has the highest violent crime rate in the country, with about 2,409 incidents per 100,000 residents per year. The estimated cost of crime in Memphis is $9,056 per capita, reflecting the city’s struggles with aggravated assaults, murders and other violent offenses.

Factors contributing to the high crime rates in Memphis include economic disparities, gang activity and a high rate of property crimes. City officials have been working to address these issues through increased police presence and community-based initiatives aimed at crime prevention.


6. Baltimore, MD: $8,160 per Capita

Baltimore is known for its high crime rates, particularly violent crimes such as homicides and aggravated assaults, which are driven by persistent poverty, a strong presence of drug trafficking and gang activity. With an estimated cost of crime at $8,160 per capita, Baltimore’s crime rate is significantly higher than that of other major cities.

The Maryland city’s challenges with crime are linked to issues such as economic disparities and population density. Police distrust is also a contributing factor, with three-fourths of Black residents and one-fourth of white residents saying they fear the police.


Despite efforts by local authorities to combat crime, Baltimore remains one of the most dangerous places in the country.

7. Little Rock, AR: $7,781 per Capita

The estimated cost of crime in Little Rock, Arkansas, is $7,781 per capita, reflecting the impact of criminal activity on the community. Little Rock faces challenges similar to other urban areas, including gang activity, economic disparities and high rates of property crimes.

Efforts to reduce crime in Little Rock have focused on improving police presence, community engagement and mental illness treatment options.


As of July 2024, violent crimes in the city had decreased by 5 percent and gun violence had decreased by 2 percent compared to the previous year., demonstrating the strides the city has made as it struggles to maintain public safety.

8. Cleveland, OH: $7,397 per Capita

The estimated cost of crime in Cleveland is $7,397 per capita, driven by a combination of violent crimes, including aggravated assaults and murders, as well as property crimes such as motor vehicle theft and burglary.

Local authorities have been working to address these challenges through crime prevention strategies (such as local law enforcement prioritizing certain areas), but Cleveland continues to struggle with high levels of violence and crime.


The Ohio city's crime rate is a reflection of a complex web of underlying issues, economic disparities among them. In Cleveland, the top 20 percent of earners bring home more than $115,000 annually, while the lowest 20 percent make just about $21,000 or less.

9. Milwaukee, WI: $7,029 per Capital

The estimated cost of crime in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, stands at $7,029 per capita. Although the city's crime rates are among the highest in the country, Milwaukee reported some positive statistics for its first quarter of 2024: Murders had decreased by 39 percent, robberies by 14 percent and auto thefts by 10 percent from the previous year.

Meanwhile, local law enforcement agencies and city officials continue to brainstorm ways to address crime, and the city continues to face ongoing challenges in improving public safety and reducing criminal activity.


10. Kansas City, MO: $6,398 per Capita

Kansas City, Missouri, rounds out the top ten most dangerous cities in the United States, with an estimated cost of crime at $6,398 per capita. Despite being a major city with a thriving cultural scene, Kansas City struggles with maintaining community safety, with crime prevention efforts being a key focus for local authorities.

The city has a high rate of violent crime, including murders and aggravated assaults, which contribute significantly to its overall crime rate. Property crimes, particularly motor vehicle theft, also play a role in Kansas City's high crime rates.

The area ranks among the top 10 cities in the country for auto theft, with close to 14,000 cars stolen in 2023. The city's crime rate is a significant concern for residents, as it impacts the overall quality of life and economic stability of the area.

6 Examples of the Societal Costs of Crimes

Crimes impose significant costs on society, affecting individuals, communities and the broader economy. Here are some ways in which crimes cost society money.

  1. Direct financial costs: Crime imposes significant financial burdens through law enforcement, judicial expenses and incarceration. The costs of policing, holding legal proceedings and running prisons are high — as are the direct losses from property crimes, such as theft and vandalism — all of which taxpayers cover.
  2. Criminal justice system: A convicted criminal's tendency to commit a subsequent offense (called recidivism) places a heavy burden on the criminal justice system, with repeat offenders cycling through arrests and incarceration. Efforts to reduce recidivism require investments in rehabilitation, which can ultimately lower the long-term costs associated with crime.
  3. Healthcare and victim support: Violent crimes result in medical expenses and the need for mental health services, which increase an area's healthcare costs. Victim compensation programs, funded by public money, further add to the financial burden, covering expenses like medical bills and lost wages.
  4. Economic impact: Crime reduces productivity, with victims unable to work and businesses suffering losses. High crime rates lead to increased insurance premiums and deter business investments, causing economic decline in affected areas as companies potentially relocate to safer locations.
  5. Social and community costs: High crime rates diminish the quality of life in an area, leading to social isolation and lower property values. Education also suffers in high-crime areas, where city's divert resources to security. Crime also contributes to public health issues, such as substance abuse and mental health disorders.
  6. Long-term societal effects: Crime can have lasting effects, especially in high-crime areas where it perpetuates cycles of poverty and urban decay. These environments see increased crime, further exacerbating social issues and raising the overall cost to society.

We created this article in conjunction with AI technology, then made sure it was fact-checked and edited by a HowStuffWorks editor.

