Curious about capitalism, the monetary system or white collar crime? Check out these articles. The Economics Channel defines and explores economic terms and controversies.
Want to Support Veterans? 4 Tips for Finding Good Charities
No Shave November Is More Than Mustache Month
5 Questions to Ask Before Donating to a Charity
What Is the Strongest Currency in the World?
The Fascinating Stories Behind 5 of the World's Big Currency Symbols
How to Buy and Mine Dogecoin
10 Largest Economies in the World, Ranked by Nominal GDP
What's the Most Expensive State to Live In?
The Richest Countries in Africa, Based on GDP
The Richest Kid in the World Is Worth $5B — Which Royal Is It?
The Richest Family in the World Heads a Massive U.S. Chain
Meet the World's Youngest Billionaire: A 19-year-old in Brazil
Why the U.S. Monthly Jobs Report Matters
Who Wins and Loses in a Trade War?
How NATO Works
Most Dangerous Cities in the U.S. by Cost of Crime per Capita
Who Paid the Largest Criminal Fine in History and Why?
How to Legally Change Your Name
Neighbor-spoofing Robocalls Are the New Nuisance
The 10 Most Counterfeited Products in The World
Crowdfunding or Crimefunding? Fraudsters Kickstart Money Laundering Campaigns
Why Big Companies Like Tesla and Amazon Are Splitting Stocks
What Time Does the Stock Market Open?
What Causes Stock Market Trading to Halt?
How to Volunteer to Help Disabled Veterans
10 Best Volunteer Activities in Retirement
Does the Peace Corps want retired volunteers?
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The gender pay gap is usually expressed something like this: Women make 80 cents for every dollar a man makes. Where did this figure come from and is it still true?
Many Midwestern and New England states are hoping to attract more residents by offering cash, student loan forgiveness and other incentives. But surprisingly, no one has studied whether these programs are effective.
By Dave Roos
Worried there might be a warrant out for your arrest? How can you find out for sure?
Two gas stations might face each other on a street in Anytown, USA. Yet their gas prices might be different. Why is that?
Congress passed the new farm bill with a provision that will legalize hemp farming on an industrial scale. Could this be America's next gold rush?
By John Donovan
An inversion of the U.S. Treasury bond yield curve has predicted the last seven U.S. recessions. Is the U.S. in for another one soon?
By Dave Roos
How can you tell if a charity is actually effective? Is it better to give one big donation or several small ones? We look at five of the most-asked questions about charity giving.
By Dave Roos
Four million veterans living in the United States are disabled, and many of those men and women need help in one way or another. So what can you do to donate your services to those in need?
Would you like to round up your purchase for charity? Those small donations are big money for nonprofits and the businesses that do the soliciting. But not every shopper likes being asked. So, what's the right way to run these campaigns?
By Dave Roos
Razors. Shampoo. Even dry cleaning. Women pay more for these things every day. Simply because, well, they're women.
Think "all you can eat" means you get more than you paid for? As one restaurant expert put it, "The house always wins."
By Dave Roos
Cryptocurrencies are likely here to stay. But who's really behind their creation and should we trust this new form of digital cash?
By Diana Brown
Cryptocurrencies have been in the news a lot lately. How much do you know about the legitimacy of these 'invisible' currencies?
By Diana Brown
Most bank notes and coins made in the U.S. feature famous people from American history. But we often use these bills without registering whose faces are actually on the notes. Can you guess without opening your wallet?
Diamonds weren't even very popular before the 1930s. And it wasn't until a savvy copywriter created an ad slogan that the stones became synonymous with love.
By Diana Brown
Some U.S. restaurants' experiments with dropping tipping in favor of higher menu prices did not catch on with consumers. Is there a profit point when it would make sense to drop tipping?
By Dave Roos
President Donald Trump wants countries exporting steel and aluminum to the U.S. to pay steep tariffs. Could these tariffs spark a global trade war?
By John Donovan
The tiny house movement is providing homes for people who need shelter.
By Carrie Tatro
The U.S.'s long-standing cash bail system produces two very different outcomes depending on how much money the defendant can scrape together.
By Dave Roos
Even items with the word 'penny' in their name, like penny candy, cost more than a cent. What does a penny buy in America these days?
By Dave Roos
Whether your account has been hacked or you've lost your private key code, do you have any recourse for recovering your lost bitcoin?
By Dave Roos
Forget about being anonymous when you shop. In the new Amazon Go store, every single thing you buy is linked directly to you.
Bitcoin had a banner 2017, trading at up to around $20,000 per unit. So, hopes were high for its debut on the futures market in December. How is this cryptocurrency faring in the real world of financial regulation?
By Dave Roos
The online company has its fingers in just about every e-commerce enterprise; it's even caused many organizations to go out of business. Yet the U.S. government has not tried to stop Amazon's growth. Why's that?
By Dave Roos
Bitcoin's price of more than $10,000 a coin has gotten everyone excited, but some financial experts are putting their money on another cryptocurrency.
By Dave Roos