Curious about capitalism, the monetary system or white collar crime? Check out these articles. The Economics Channel defines and explores economic terms and controversies.
Want to Support Veterans? 4 Tips for Finding Good Charities
No Shave November Is More Than Mustache Month
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The Fascinating Stories Behind 5 of the World's Big Currency Symbols
How to Buy and Mine Dogecoin
10 Largest Economies in the World, Ranked by Nominal GDP
What's the Most Expensive State to Live In?
The Richest Countries in Africa, Based on GDP
The Richest Kid in the World Is Worth $5B — Which Royal Is It?
The Richest Family in the World Heads a Massive U.S. Chain
Meet the World's Youngest Billionaire: A 19-year-old in Brazil
Why the U.S. Monthly Jobs Report Matters
Who Wins and Loses in a Trade War?
How NATO Works
Most Dangerous Cities in the U.S. by Cost of Crime per Capita
Who Paid the Largest Criminal Fine in History and Why?
How to Legally Change Your Name
Neighbor-spoofing Robocalls Are the New Nuisance
The 10 Most Counterfeited Products in The World
Crowdfunding or Crimefunding? Fraudsters Kickstart Money Laundering Campaigns
Why Big Companies Like Tesla and Amazon Are Splitting Stocks
What Time Does the Stock Market Open?
What Causes Stock Market Trading to Halt?
How to Volunteer to Help Disabled Veterans
10 Best Volunteer Activities in Retirement
Does the Peace Corps want retired volunteers?
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Dogecoin started out as a spoof, but is now an actual cryptocurrency with tens of billions of dollars in value. So, should you invest in it?
It's not just people on the top. Even janitors and home health aides are often asked to sign noncompete agreements. Why's that? And will a company really sue you if you break one?
By Dave Roos
Every month, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics releases a report that looks at the unemployment rate, among other job-related data in the country. But who counts as "unemployed" can be tricky.
By Dave Roos
The New York Stock Exchange has changed its hours many times since its inception in the late 18th century. Why? And what hours does it keep now?
Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, are a way to turn digital art into an asset that can be stored in a blockchain ledger. They could revolutionize the art business. Still confused? Enter the brave new world of NFTs.
UBI stands for universal basic income, a guaranteed government cash payment. Pilot programs are testing whether having UBI improves lives. What have they learned so far?
By Dave Roos
If you buy anything via a loan, like a house or car, the bank puts a lien on that property until it is paid off. But liens can also be placed on your property by other folks and without your consent, depending on circumstances.
Alimony is on the decline in the U.S. but can still bring out a highly emotional response during divorce. Here's what you need to know about alimony.
By Dave Roos
Just when America seemed to be getting over the great toilet paper shortage, the next thing in short supply was coins. But why?
By Dave Roos
Most U.S. currency contains a serial number that ends with a letter, but some end or begin with a star instead. What does the letter stand for? What is the significance of the star?
Gas prices have plummeted across the U.S. since the coronavirus pandemic. That might be a good thing for your wallet, but is it good for the economy? It depends.
Around the world, people convert their money into U.S. dollars for safety, making it the de facto global currency. But how did the U.S. dollar become so mighty and could it ever be replaced?
By Dave Roos
In challenging economic times, people often turn to gold as a hedge against a falling stock market. But is this a good idea?
By Dave Roos
During volatile periods in stock markets, exchanges will often employ "circuit breakers" to keep stock prices from falling too far too fast. So how do these work around the world?
By Dave Roos
Economics law says that demand goes down when price goes up. But Veblen goods work the opposite way - when price goes up, so does demand. How do these goods get so lucky?
By Dave Roos
Bill Gates thinks it should. Payroll taxes from workers fund Social Security, Medicare and defense among other federal programs. But other experts firmly disagree.
By Dave Roos
What happens when your cash gets damaged due to fire, flood or Fido deciding to eat it? Are you just out of luck?
Good luck predicting the economic future; even the experts get it wrong. But there are sure warning signs to look for when a recession is ahead.
By Dave Roos
President Joe Biden just signed a sweeping executive order that will create right-to-repair rules for cellphone companies, as well as big ag companies like John Deere. Who would be against that? We'll explain.
The design of the U.S. $1 bill is full of symbolism. We'll tell you what it all means.
By Sarah Gleim
Hedge funds might seem like something only the very rich have to think about but actually they are actually part of everyday life. What are they and why are they so risky?
This economic policy has been embraced by free-market capitalists and demonized by progressive reformers. But what does it really mean?
By Dave Roos
Penny stocks may seem like a good deal because they're so cheap and who knows, they could make money! But penny stocks can also be places for scam artists, so how do you protect yourself?
By Dave Roos
Who takes the hit when the U.S. president levies tariffs on our trading partners?
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is built on an alliance between 30 North American and European countries. But it's much more than that.