
Curious about capitalism, the monetary system or white collar crime? Check out these articles. The Economics Channel defines and explores economic terms and controversies.

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While compensation for the U.S. president is very generous, most people who run for the job don't do it to get rich. So how much does the position pay?

By Kristen Hall-Geisler

How does the Social Security system (in the U.S.) work? When I pay money into the system, where does my money go and where is my account kept (does some bank have the money in my account)?

The mint began producing state quarters in 1999. Learn about the schedule of state quarter minting.

By Contributors


Counterfeit detector pens use special chemicals to spot a fake bill. How do they do it?

By Tracy V. Wilson

How much would all the money in the world weigh and how much would it be worth? Find out what "all the money in the world" really means.

Ever wondered why the stock exchange is valued at 15 trillion dollars, while the amount of money in the U.S. is only 6 trillion? Learn why the stock exchange can be valued higher than a nation's total financial value.

Why doesn't washing paper money cause it to disintegrate? Learn how paper bills are made to withstand excessive use (or misuse!).


Philanthropy has a whole new meaning in modern times. There are huge organizations dedicated to charity; there are gifts that are tax-deductible; there's a lot of fraud. Learn all about philanthropy.

E-commerce has exploded in the last 10 years. Find out how e-commerce works and how you can harness the potential of e-commerce, from affiliate programs to CPC links.

By Marshall Brain