Personal Finance

This channel is where we explore the holistic health of your financial house. Helpful, accurate articles include topics on credit, debt management, financial planning, real estate and taxes.

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Are you spiraling toward tax day with questions still unanswered? Uncertainty and confusion can cause us to procrastinate, but these insider tips will take you past April 15 with your sanity still intact.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

If you're considering early retirement, you need to assess your financial plan while you're young. Early retirement is possible, but you'll probably have to adopt a frugal lifestyle now.

By Dave Roos

Life without debt sounds good. Can debt consolidation, or taking out one new loan to pay off all your other loans, help you reach that lofty financial goal?

By Jane McGrath


A low credit score can prevent you from getting the car, house or job of your dreams, but there's one surefire way to boost that three-digit number.

By Jane McGrath

Do you pay just the minimum on your credit card balance each month? If your credit limit keeps getting raised, beware: You might be a revolver.

By Dave Roos

Credit unions are not-for-profit institutions that offer many banking services to their members. You may be surprised by who's eligible for membership.

By Dave Roos

Credit reporting agencies collect your credit history from credit card companies, banks, mortgage companies and other creditors to create an in-depth credit report. But how is that report used?

By Dave Roos


The world is drowning in debt, and experts fill the airwaves with doomsday predictions. What exactly is this monster called debt that's sucking up all of our income, ruining our credit scores and making politicians sweat?

By Dave Roos

You saved up your money, got a home loan, got the keys and moved in. But now you've lost your job and you can't pay up. What happens to your house? Maybe foreclosure -- but there are ways to avoid it.

By Charles W. Bryant

Interest-only loans let you afford a nice house and make low payments. But there's a catch -- once you have to pay up, circumstances may not be in your favor.

By Charles W. Bryant

Your last will and testament is a very important document that ensures your wishes are carried out after you die. Many people think they need to be old, sick or wealthy to need a will. In truth, everyone of legal age should have one.

By Charles W. Bryant


Some people use their will as an opportunity to send a message from beyond the grave. Learn about 9 strange last wills and testaments from Harry Houdini, Marie Curie, and more.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

Lloyds of London has been insuring items -- both average and unusual -- for years. Learn about 9 odd things insured by Lloyds of London, including taste buds and a mustache!

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

Shouldn't a degree be enough to get a job after graduation? And isn't an internship a lot of useless work for little or no pay? Internships, despite little or no pay, are often worth it in the long run if you want to get your foot in the door.

By John Fuller

College can be an expensive endeavor, even with scholarships and other kinds of financial aid. However, there are ways to save. From buying used textbooks to choosing the right campus meal plan, here are a few tips. And don't forget to apply for thos

By John Fuller


Of all the metrics used to compare colleges, rankings are the most common. Learn about the controversy behind them and how best to evaluate schools.

By Jacob Silverman

Swiss bank accounts: They're not exactly the same in real life as they are in James Bond movies and Robert Ludlum books. What's behind their secrecy?

By Lee Ann Obringer

If you were in the hospital being kept alive by machines, would you want the doctors to pull the plug or do everything they could to keep you alive? A living will can ensure that decision is all yours.

By Jacob Silverman

When online sales of virtual assets for hundreds and thousands of dollars became commonplace, Congress took notice and asked the GAO to investigate. What did its report reveal?

By Julia Layton & Dave Roos


These days, more people buy with credit than with cash. Learn all about credit cards, from the numbering system to how you can get rid of that high-interest balance.

By Melanie Radzicki McManus

The Economist reported there were 10 million millionaires in the world in 2011 -- a record number. Want to be one, too? Researchers have found quite a few common traits that most millionaires possess.

By Lee Ann Obringer & Laurie L. Dove

So many questions: from the meal (fish, chicken, or beef?) to the wedding gown (low-cut, fitted, or empire-waisted?) to the reception music (live music or DJ?). There will be issues about budgets, guest lists, and styles. Deter stress with these tips.

Gas prices may be soaring, but there are steps you can take to conserve your valuable fuel. From proper tire inflation and load weight to route planning and proper vehicle maintenance, here's the skinny on how to save dollars during your daily drives.

By Zolton Cohen


The market may have become more accessible, but that doesn't mean you should take online trading lightly. In this article, we'll look at the different types of online trading accounts, as well as how to choose an online brokerage, make trades and protect

By Tracy V. Wilson

It's bad enough when an individual has to file for bankruptcy, but filings by high-profile companies like Adelphia can have a big impact on the economy. What exactly does it mean to file for bankruptcy?

By Jacob Silverman & Ed Grabianowski