Personal Finance

This channel is where we explore the holistic health of your financial house. Helpful, accurate articles include topics on credit, debt management, financial planning, real estate and taxes.

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Ever absentmindedly tossed out a credit card bill or checked your bank balance from a computer at the library? Mistakes like these could pave the way for fraud.

By John Barrymore

No one likes to think about their own death. It would be nice if we could live as if we were immortal, never having to worry about what will happen after we're gone. But death is inevitable, and we all need to plan for it.

By Sarah Siddons

Treasury bills are a low-risk investment — and you don't need a lot of money to get started. How does the U.S. government use these bills to manage its debt?

By Dave Roos & Sarah Siddons


Using a debit card is convenient but also comes with a certain amount of risk. What's the best way to protect yourself and keep an eye on your money?

By John Barrymore

How much money are you making on your savings? If you've got a traditional savings account, you could be making a lot more online. What's the catch?

By John Barrymore

If you're trying to work your way out of debt, consumer credit counseling might be a good step to take. What happens during, and after, the counseling session?

By Sarah Siddons

Your personal debt may seem like an enormous burden, but these pictures will help put it into perspective and remind you that even entire nations struggle to maintain a balanced budget.


From learning to invest to protecting yourself in a volatile market, check out this image gallery for the big picture. Learn about investment types, the stock market and learn about a few investing pitfalls.

You've probably heard of offshore bank accounts and Swiss bank accounts. You may have heard there's great wealth to be found in these foreign bank investments. But what's really so special about these international banking opportunities?

By John Barrymore

Death tax. Estate tax. Inheritance tax. They all mean the same thing: The government imposes a tax on a grieving heir for any money they receive from the deceased. What is the tax that is levied, and how much will this tax cost you?

By Ed Grabianowski & John Barrymore

Life insurance is associated with pushy salespeople and other unpleasant stuff -- like dying. But how will your children make do if you should die unexpectedly?

By Dave Roos


Believe it or not, stock market fractions arose from the way the U.S. dollar measured up to Spanish currency way back in 1792, when the U.S. stock market was created. But what does any of that have to do with fractions?

Checks are processed in a variety of ways. What happens to your check or checking account when you pay by check at the grocery store, online, or through PayPal?

Basically, a savings account is a way for your money to earn money. That may be a bit simplistic, but in this article we'll dig deeper and help you determine how to save and decide which accounts are the best fit for your lifestyle.

When you swipe your credit or debit card through a reader, you start a process that involves the store you're at, your bank and ultimately your financial well-being. How does that little stripe send so many messages?


Bankruptcy chapters can be really confusing -- there are specific chapters for both business and personal filing. What do they all mean?

Money market accounts are popular because they usually pay higher interest than savings accounts. So what's the catch? Why shouldn't we all open one?

When you open a mutual fund, you agree to pool your money with other investors for more purchasing power. How do mutual fund companies invest and track your portfolio? And why are mutual funds so popular?

By Dave Roos

Stock options can be beneficial for both employees and employers who provide them. Why do many employees prefer stock options to cold hard cash or better benefits?


The Dow Jones is one of several stock market averages designed as a quick and accurate way to measure the well-being of the market. Why do we hear so much about the Dow Jones in the news?

People buy bonds as investments, similar to buying stocks. The difference, though, is that bonds are much less risky than stocks. And, while both can be traded, bonds usually earn less money than stocks do.

By Jane McGrath

Putting your money into a CD can yield higher interest returns than a standard savings account. Do you know the difference between a CD and a savings account? Find out how you can invest your money into a CD money account.

By Jane McGrath

You made the vows -- for better or for worse, in sickness and in health -- but you don't remember agreeing to pay higher taxes. How does marriage affect your finances?

By Josh Clark


Many people wonder where they've gone wrong with their credit score. Was it charging a pack of gum with a credit card? A steep mortgage? Where does everyone else stand in terms of credit?

By Josh Clark

You already know that when you sell your stocks, you've got to pay taxes on the profits. But did you know you're supposed to pay taxes for selling your old comic books, too?

By Dave Roos