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Meet the World's Youngest Billionaire: A 19-year-old in Brazil
Why the U.S. Monthly Jobs Report Matters
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How NATO Works
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How to Volunteer to Help Disabled Veterans
10 Best Volunteer Activities in Retirement
Does the Peace Corps want retired volunteers?
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Want to experience the sights, sounds and smells of history? We're not talking about a musty pop-up book about the Civil War. If you've got the time and mettle, volunteer in historical reenactments.
By Jane McGrath
The YMCA -- or Young Men's Christian Association -- is a large nonprofit with international reach and several thousand local branches that rely on the help of volunteers.
By Eleanor Duse
Being a doctor is no easy task -- someone with an M.D. behind his or her name has survived several years of rigorous training and schooling. But only a few sign up to work in a war zone.
If there's one thing the developing world (and war-torn countries) need, it's medical supplies -- surgical gloves, needles, heart monitors. So who gets it to them? Project C.U.R.E.
Project HOPE started in an old Navy medical vessel and grew into an international health aid organization that has saved millions of lives and has trained millions more to do the same.
By Dave Roos
While it wasn't their explicit mission, ladies' aid societies gave women a leg up in the struggle for equal rights. And you could say their platform was squeaky clean: It was all about sanitation and good health.
By Jane McGrath
Donating money or volunteering for distant, unfamiliar organizations can make you feel a bit detached from your charitable intentions. A great way to get directly involved is to join your local United Way.
By Libby Little
When you think of the word "club," you might imagine a group you were part of as a child or teen. Rotary Club is one organization that recaptures that spirit in an organization for adults.
By Libby Little
Kiwanis Club is an international organization that's based on the Golden Rule. But it's not just a social group for kindness -- the organization aims to improve health and literacy around the world.
Headquartered in Oak Brook, Ill., Lions Clubs International has a simple motto: "We serve." Today it's one of the world’s largest service organizations, with 1.3 million members in more than 200 countries including China, Ethiopia and Iraq.
In FDR's first 100 days, he created the Civilian Conservation Corps. This program gave young men a work ethic and a paycheck while bolstering the economy and infrastructure, as well as combating crime and illiteracy.
By Jane McGrath
After witnessing German Luftwaffe bombers' terrible effect on London, President Roosevelt decided America needed extra protection at home. The Office of the Civilian Defense was one of the biggest wartime volunteer efforts.
Joining the Peace Corps has always seemed like a dream opportunity -- except that you wish you could serve in the U.S. instead of another country. Well, your wish could come true -- as an AmeriCorps volunteer.
By Eleanor Duse
Gone are the days of scouring church newsletters and community bulletin boards. Today, finding volunteer work is a lot like trying to find a love interest online -- complete with profiles that include pictures, testimonials and reasons why you’d be t
Volunteers of America is a trusted and respected organization that's been helping people rebuild their lives for more than 100 years. How can you lend a hand?
By Libby Little
Whether you're running a political campaign, cleaning up the community or promoting an independent film, volunteerism is a truly awesome tool to have at your disposal.
By Robert Lamb
Missionary work in the 19th century struggled to reconcile colonialism and Christianity. Today, missionaries provide as much aid as they do religious guidance -- and they represent more religions, too.
By Jane McGrath
Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment is celebrating 25 years of putting citizen scientists to work gathering data about the Earth. How can you help?
The evolution of warfare has closely shadowed the technological ascent of man. Some sort of army or similar notion has marched side by side with us across the millennia. But how do you fill an army's ranks?
By Robert Lamb
On any given day, there are 100,000 active missing persons cases in the United States, with 52 percent of those cases involving children under the age of 18. The statistics are enough to make anyone want to do something about it.
As John F. Kennedy once said, "We have the power to make this the best generation of mankind in the history of the world -- or make it the last." Volunteering is a big part of that, here and abroad.
By Libby Little
Most people dread doing their taxes -- it's right up there with getting a root canal. But if you don't see what all the dreaded fuss of preparing taxes is about, you may be the perfect person to volunteer income tax assistance.
Millions of kids dream of becoming a firefighter when they grow up. If you still have dreams of fighting fires, becoming a volunteer firefighter might be the right path for you.
Bankruptcy. Divorce. Eviction. Civil lawsuits. Debt collection. Unfortunately, the times we need professional legal assistance aren't necessarily the times we can afford lawyers.
By Eleanor Duse
Every year, millions of Americans die from illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes. And every year, roughly 400,000 hospice volunteers help many of these people through their last few months of life.