
Curious about capitalism, the monetary system or white collar crime? Check out these articles. The Economics Channel defines and explores economic terms and controversies.

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The freedom of retirement offers the perfect opportunity to donate your time and skills to a worthy cause. Volunteer vacations for retirees are rewarding and big on impact.

By John Kelly

Your friend inherited a large sum of money and would like to create a scholarship fund. This article will try to explain how to create that scholarship fund.

By Contributors

On April 13, 2011, President Barack Obama proposed a plan for reducing the United State's debt and strengthen its fiscal reputation. But what does it really take to save sums of money so large they hardly seem real?

By Chanel Lee


Everyone loves the underdog -- until the underdog fights back, that is. But what happens when a bunch of them decide to take on the big Kahuna? In the legal world, that's what happens when a class action lawsuit is filed.

By Dave Roos

Register for Toys for Tots, and make the holidays a time your children will never forget. We'll show you how to register for Toys for Tots.

By Kathryn Whitbourne

We often hear about high-end contract negotiations in the entertainment world, but it's easy to forget that these rich guys are still laborers working under the auspices of a union. But how does the regular working stiff handle these negotiations?

By Dave Roos

Writing a legally binding lease agreement will allow you to protect your property. Learn about how to write a lease agreement in this article.

By Contributors


According to some economists, the most recent U.S. recession ended in June 2009, but why can't we see it? It may surprise you to learn that the economy is showing signs of life, and here are 10 of the most vital.

By Ed Grabianowski

Remember when airlines served full meals or when you could hear your favorite up-and-coming band on mainstream radio? Those days are gone thanks to governmental deregulation. Here are a few other effects of deregulation that we didn't see coming.

By Linda C. Brinson

The U.S. Supreme Court may be the highest court in the land, but the justices that sit on the bench sometimes reverse course. It doesn't happen often, but here are 13 Supreme Court cases in history that have been overturned.

By Ed Grabianowski & Melanie Radzicki McManus

In 2008, more than $1 billion was stolen via ATM skimming. So exactly how does it work and how can you protect yourself?

By Wesley Fenlon


As you peruse TLC Cooking to pick out dinner for tonight, there are many men and women out there who wonder if they will have any food at all to serve their families. This is where food banks come into play -- and they need your help.

By Sara Elliott

The founding fathers felt that the press had a special job -- so special that they gave journalists the freedom to do their work. The Supreme Court has since expanded to include other liberties, but there have been some growing pains along the way.

By Marie Willsey

Free enterprise means unfettered industry powered by profit-focused individuals. But after the labor and finance abuses of the Gilded Age, many people felt the men at the top got too much of the pie. Where are we now?

By Jessika Toothman

For the people of Anuta, money is an afterthought, not a reason for being. How does a gift economy work, and can generosity and gratitude alone really keep a community going?

By Jessika Toothman


A common consumer reaction to American bank bailouts in 2008 and 2009 was, "Where's my bailout?" The Wall Street reform bill signed into law in July 2010 doesn't bail out strapped citizens, but it does provide some additional consumer protections.

By Chanel Lee

For many years, there's been a bit of a stigma attached to food stamps. But with recent economic turmoil, views have changed and participation in the program has increased. After improvements and a significant overhaul, the program doesn't just have a new face -- it has a "snappy" new name, too.

By Colleen Cancio

Every charity organization faces the same problem: stretching the budget to help everyone in need. Hosting a charity event is a great way to raise funds for an organization whose cause you support. Here's how.

By Alia Hoyt

As the saying goes, you can't take your money with you when you die. If you admire the kind of charitable contributions made by people like Bill and Melinda Gates, maybe you should set up a trust of your own.

By Gallagher Flinn


The terms charity and foundation are often used interchangeably. But even though the two types of groups are both considered nonprofit organizations by the Internal Revenue Service, there are some slight differences that set them apart.

By Cherise Threewitt

During tough economic times, charities and other nonprofits can and have to stretch each dollar -- but not without strict oversight. What guidelines do you have to follow if your organization is considered a charity?

By Cherise Threewitt

Initial public offerings are as high as high finance gets. When popular, formerly private companies decide to offer shares of their stock to the public, the price of that stock can skyrocket. Here are 10 companies whose IPOs reached the stratosphere.

By Josh Clark

It might seem impossible for a stagnant economy and high inflation rates to coexist, but that exact situation -- known as stagflation -- existed in the 1970s. Could it happen again? How can it be prevented?

By Dave Roos


Investors line up to purchase a company's newly offered stock, sending the price into the stratosphere. But often, a highly anticipated initial public offering can tank too.

By Dave Roos

If we took all the U.S. dollars, British pounds and every other currency out there and added them up, how much would it come to? Find out why it's so hard to figure out how much money there is in the world.

By Kathryn Whitbourne & Francisco Guzman