
Business management explores how businesses are run and the issues they face. Whether you're an entrepreneur or are curious about different business models, these articles will answer some of the most common questions about the world of business.

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Many companies that used to have dedicated business servers are now switching to cloud-based storage solutions. But cloud computing isn't for everyone, so take a few minutes to read this article before you shut down that server.

By Gerlinda Grimes

Diamonds are rare? Not really. They became an engagement ring staple, thanks to a clever public relations campaign. Bacon for breakfast? That was another PR job.

By Melanie Radzicki McManus

Is two days too long to wait for that package? Amazon's counting on it.

By Clint Pumphrey


Some dot-coms were flat-out terrible ideas, while others were simply ahead of their time. What's the story behind these online companies with real-world failures?

By Alison Cooper

The idea of an incubator sounds like something forged in the dot-com boom of the late 1990s, but the business incubator concept dates back to 1959. Could a tech incubator be better than starting your business alone?

By Dave Roos

If you've had to work for someone to earn your weekly paycheck, the idea of being your own boss may seem incredibly liberating. Thanks to the rise of e-commerce, it's easier than ever to start your own business — as long as you have a few skills.

By Patrick J. Kiger

You have a great idea for the next disruptive technology, but you sure could use some cash and advice in order to attract a big-pocket investor. Could an accelerator be the answer?

By Dave Roos


Congratulations, you're opening your own small business. You'll face many decisions along the way, and one of the most important is determining the best business structure.

By Julia Layton

Forming a limited liability company (LLC) for your business -- a popular option -- may be to your tax advantage. Find out whether it is right for you.

By Melanie Radzicki McManus

Whether you own a neighborhood coffee shop or a used car dealership that pulls in a few million, you need make sure that you're smart about your taxes (even if you hire a professional). Ready for a quick crash course?

By Julia Layton

It seemed like a good idea when AOL merged with Time Warner. But it wasn't. Here are 10 super bad business decisions and why they seemed really great back in the day.

By Dave Roos


Not every buggy whip company died with the advent of the motorcar. Some nimble businesses are able to reinvent themselves to keep pace with modern life. You might be surprised at what some of today's biggest companies used to do.

By Dave Roos

Hate the idea of sheepishly handing out business cards to strangers while "selling yourself”? Try these tips for easing the pain.

By Dave Roos

In February 2013, Yahoo employees found a surprising e-mail in their inboxes –- no more teleworking. Remaining Yahoo folks will start being "physically together" in the office come June. Was decreased productivity behind this now infamous move?

By John Perritano

If you're not satisfied with your current job, it may be time to create an action plan. What are some effective strategies for finding the right career?

By Thomas Moore


If someone handed you a 100 dollar bill on the street, you'd take it, right? Same thing goes for employee benefits. Opting in to the right ones could save you hundreds and even thousands of dollars a year.

By Clint Pumphrey

Most of us know how to write a résumé, but you'd be surprised at the unnecessary information that people place on them -- do you really think your height, weight and eye color will help you land a job as an accountant?

By Ed Grabianowski

Sending in your resume on a cake? Asking how many "hot chicks" work for the company? We've pretty much heard and seen it all, so we're going to tell you what not to do during your next job interview.

By John Perritano

If you've never opened a 401(k) account before, the wide range of options might be intimidating. Get to know the basics before you start saving.

By Jeff Harder


Forget free sodas and nominal gym discounts. Today's employers are wooing workers with ever more creative, desirable benefits that help improve employee retention and productivity. Which ones seem almost too good to be true?

By Melanie Radzicki McManus

You've done it! You survived four years of college, four years of medical school and maybe a couple years of graduate school as well, and now you've finally earned your medical degree. Too bad the hard work's just begun.

By Ed Grabianowski

Don't know which path you should take on the road to career success? A few simple tips can open the right doors.

By Jeff Harder

Whether you're fresh off the job hunt or a seasoned employee, a little organization can go a long way. Here are five tips for keeping the piles at bay.

By Kate Kershner


Protected by legal agreements, fail-safes and vaults, the world’s most valuable trade secrets rake in millions of dollars for their owners. Here are 10 lucrative legends.

By Melanie Radzicki McManus

Sometimes, it can be more affordable to let another business handle some tasks rather than giving them to internal employees. Which jobs get outsourced most frequently?

By Chris Warren