Professional Development

Professional development isn't usually required by employers but it almost always helps to push your career in the right direction. In this section we'll examine everything to do with professional development.

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Hate the idea of sheepishly handing out business cards to strangers while "selling yourself"? Try these tips for easing the pain.

By Dave Roos

Want to become the CEO of a Fortune 500 company? Maybe you'd just like to move up a couple of rungs on the corporate ladder. No matter the level of career achievement you have in mind, it will take goals and a plan of action to make your dreams a reality.

By Caitlin Uttley

Rising to the top of any organization takes more than just skill or ambition alone. A combination of the two -- with a good dose of research and hard work to back it up -- will help put you in a position to succeed. Are you ready to take your career to the next level?

By Colleen Cancio


You used to fit right in at the office -- until you got that big promotion. If you think that your coworkers want to celebrate with you, you may find yourself thinking again.

By Dave Roos

If you think that going back to school for an MBA will make you a millionaire, think again. It's true that MBAs make more money than those who only have undergraduate degrees, but the fact is, some MBAs are better than others.

By Marie Willsey

If you think that entrepreneurship is a one-man show, think again. Even the most successful CEOs had some help on his or her way to the top. Everyone needs a sounding board and confidante in the business world -- and that's just what a mentor provides.

By Dave Roos

Who wants more money? We all do, right? Now that you've paid your dues and proven you're an asset to your company, it's time to be rewarded. But before making your case for increased compensation, check out these tips to help you cash in on your career.

By Craig Haggit


Looking for a job is a full-time job -- and it's usually much more stressful than a normal job. But one of the best things you can do with your time is to increase your professional value. One great way to do that is by learning another language.

By Jane McGrath

Employers usually give their workers longevity raises to reward their hard work and long tenures on the job, but the economic downturn may put an end to the practice for good. What's a longevity raise -- and why are they doomed?

By Marie Willsey

What hard-working employee doesn't like a refreshing COLA every now and then? But we're not talking about soda pop. Cold, hard cash trumps a cool, break-time soft drink when these "cost-of-living adjustments" put some change in your pocket to help wash down the rising expenses of day-to-day life.

By John Kelly

Is business networking modern man's greatest invention? That may be a stretch, but everyone agrees that it's the greatest career tool to come along in quite some time. But how do people in the business world use it effectively?

By Linda C. Brinson


When you hear that somebody's headed back to school, do you get visions of Rodney Dangerfield breaking out his "Triple Lindy" diving technique at the college swim meet? Don't be fooled -- almost 45 percent of Americans participate in continuing education each year.

By Jennifer Sellers

Employers looking for new hires usually seek candidates who know what they want. One way to stand out immediately is to start your resume off with a career objective, a brief statement that lets a company know what your professional goals are.

By Jane McGrath

Here's something you probably already suspected: Your boss didn't necessarily get to be a manager by being the best. Today, many companies hire prospects who fit into their system, then arm them with the tools to succeed. Think you have what it takes?

By Lance Looper

Are all great leaders born, or do they learn on the job? Many organizations are turning to leadership training to help foster best practices among management -- how can a program help you stand out?

By Meghan E. Smith


Whether you're still a student or an adult searching for a new path, you may have problems figuring out what your career plans are. Do you go for the money or follow your bliss? Career tests help you decide -- or help you discover a new path entirely.

By Ed Grabianowski

A surgeon operates on you while under the influence; a lawyer breaches the code of confidentiality; an engineer approves the plans for a new home, even though he knows the building is unsound. These are all cases of professional misconduct, and they can get you in a lot of trouble.

By Jill Jaracz

Professional development isn't usually required, but it can help you hone your skills and become more competitive in the job market. What program options are there for professional development?

By Lance Looper

From learning new skills to boosting salaries, there are plenty of reasons for teachers to invest in professional development. What kinds of training options are out there, and how do they differ from state to state?

By Laurie L. Dove