Money & the Law

Money & the Law intersect in many interesting and often controversial ways. Check out the Money & the Law channel to see what happens when these two powerful forces cooperate or collide.

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Despite ongoing efforts to improve safety, many cities in the United States continue to face high crime rates, posing significant challenges for the residents and city officials. But which are the most dangerous cities in the U.S.?

By Marie Look

The largest criminal fines in history have been paid by corporations, not individuals. Which companies have paid the most dearly for their sins?

By Dylan Ris

Changing your name legally can involve a lot of steps. We'll break it down for you.

By Yves Jeffcoat


Disconnecting Russia from the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), could cripple its ability to trade with most of the world. Here's how SWIFT works.

By Patrick J. Kiger

It's not just people on the top. Even janitors and home health aides are often asked to sign noncompete agreements. Why's that? And will a company really sue you if you break one?

By Dave Roos

If you buy anything via a loan, like a house or car, the bank puts a lien on that property until it is paid off. But liens can also be placed on your property by other folks and without your consent, depending on circumstances.

By Francisco Guzman

Alimony is on the decline in the U.S. but can still bring out a highly emotional response during divorce. Here's what you need to know about alimony.

By Dave Roos


President Joe Biden just signed a sweeping executive order that will create right-to-repair rules for cellphone companies, as well as big ag companies like John Deere. Who would be against that? We'll explain.

By Cherise Threewitt

Worried there might be a warrant out for your arrest? How can you find out for sure?

By Nathan Chandler

The U.S.'s long-standing cash bail system produces two very different outcomes depending on how much money the defendant can scrape together.

By Dave Roos

A new study examined the morality of cab drivers — in Athens, Greece — when dealing with business travelers.

By Laurie L. Dove


John Oliver paid off medical debt for 9,000 Americans. But could you buy your own debt on the cheap?

By Dave Roos

One of the subjects that comes into play when people discuss the legalization of marijuana is the cost. How will the law impact the economics of marijuana?

By Maria Trimarchi

Every now and then we read about the government going after a corporation for some crime. How do they decide who to prosecute and why?

By Dave Roos

Your home is in dire need of renovations, and you would like to apply for a federal home improvement grant. Learn about how to apply for a federal home improvement grant in this article.

By Contributors


It's sometimes necessary to get power of attorney. Learn about how to get power of attorney in this article.

By Contributors

If you have a product or service and want to use a catchy phrase to attract customers, it's a good idea to learn how to trademark the phrase. Read this article to learn how to trademark a phrase.

By Contributors

Everyone loves the underdog -- until the underdog fights back, that is. But what happens when a bunch of them decide to take on the big Kahuna? In the legal world, that's what happens when a class action lawsuit is filed.

By Dave Roos

Writing a legally binding lease agreement will allow you to protect your property. Learn about how to write a lease agreement in this article.

By Contributors


The U.S. Supreme Court may be the highest court in the land, but the justices that sit on the bench sometimes reverse course. It doesn't happen often, but here are 13 Supreme Court cases in history that have been overturned.

By Ed Grabianowski & Melanie Radzicki McManus

The founding fathers felt that the press had a special job -- so special that they gave journalists the freedom to do their work. The Supreme Court has since expanded to include other liberties, but there have been some growing pains along the way.

By Marie Willsey

A common consumer reaction to American bank bailouts in 2008 and 2009 was, "Where's my bailout?" The Wall Street reform bill signed into law in July 2010 doesn't bail out strapped citizens, but it does provide some additional consumer protections.

By Chanel Lee

Most of us have heard that we're not supposed to remove the tags from our mattresses or pillows because it violates some kind of law. But what's the real story?

By Katherine Neer


Some folks go to court about things that make most of us shake our heads. For example, consider the man who sued himself for $5 million. Can it get more outrageous?

By Clint Pumphrey

We hope you'll never need to know the ins-and-outs of getting out of jail. Bail allows people to leave jail and continue their lives while awaiting trial. How does the bail system work?

By Jacob Silverman