Financial Planning

Saving for college, investing in the stock market, online trading, mutual funds for many, these topics are overwhelming. No worries. We'll give you accurate, easy-to-understand information in the Financial Planning section.

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Mutual funds are a wonderful investment, but they can be frustrating at times. Luckily, exchange-traded funds (ETFs) can be traded on the open market like stocks -- but are they as shaky as stocks?

By Ed Grabianowski

If you're young enough to ride the ups and downs of market, some financial advisers recommend you put some of your money in more aggressive investments. But what makes one investment more "aggressive" than another?

By Beth Brindle

You want to make money with your investment portfolio, not lose it in the next market crash, right? So are there really any investments that are considered risk-free?

By Beth Brindle


There have always been wealthy kids living off money they've inherited, but a trustafarian is a rich kid like none other. So who are these trustafarians and where did the term come from?

By Susan Cassidy

It may sound crazy, but there are lots of reasons why you might want to give your inheritance a second thought before cashing that check. Why would you disclaim an inheritance?

By Jacob Clifton

Most people take up hobbies for fun, and even ones that seem free (like running and hiking) can turn into a money sink in a hurry. Here are 10 hobbies that can turn into money-makers instead.

By Danielle Fisher

While trust funds, or trusts, may seem the province of the wealthy, there are actually many benefits to creating one, even if you're not a multimillionaire.

By Susan Cassidy


Alternative investments have become increasingly popular, and they don't have to take the place of the traditional assets in your portfolio. But they do have some drawbacks, so read on and educate yourself before you spend a dime.

By Matt Sailor

Gold can be a wise way to diversify your investment portfolio. But how do you invest in this precious metal? Is it as simple as walking to the jewelry store and stocking up?

By Matt Sailor

What can you do if you're not happy with your health insurance? Are you stuck with it or are there better options available? Find out the answer here.

By John Perritano

The idea of risk in investments is largely a matter of perception, but while some investments consistently make money, others stand a greater chance of losing it. What are some of the riskiest investments out there?

By Rebecca Fairley Raney


With the exception of winning the lottery, making serious money takes time and effort. But there are legitimate ways to make extra cash to supplement your day job income. Check out 10 ways you can moonlight and end up with some dough to show for it.

By Matt Sailor

In times like these, when bankers are going to jail and your neighbors are losing their homes, it's human nature to worry about making one wrong move with money. Can one investment mistake ruin you?

By Rebecca Fairley Raney

Buying in bulk doesn't always mean you have to buy three gallons of everything to get a good deal. You have to play your cards right if you want to save a bundle. Here are a few things you actually should buy in bulk.

By Matt Sailor

Think investing in a racehorse is a good bet financially? Think again. Sure it's cheaper than buying a professional sports team, and but it's definitely a gamble that probably won't pay off.

By John Perritano


As the economy sours and investments in stocks, bonds and real estate skid, unusual investments can often net a financial windfall. But do you know which ones are the best bets and how to make money from them?

By John Perritano

Most graduating high school seniors don't have a credit history. So how do you convince a bank to lend you money for college? You need a co-signer -- and not everyone will lay down their creditworthiness for your cause.

By Chris Obenschain

Co-signing a mortgage means backing up someone else's promise to make payments for a house. If you're thinking about co-signing for a family member or if you're seeking a co-signer yourself, you should be familiar with the responsibilities.

By Victoria Vogt

In order to succeed in its industry or field, a corporation, institution or organization has to know where it is going and how it's going to get there. That's where strategic and financial planning come into play.

By Brian Boone


Mortgage rates are complex. When you investigate them, you'll find an intricate and interconnected web of factors that go into what determines mortgage rates.

By Jane McGrath

A good budget can help you save for a new car, a college education or a comfortable 30 years' worth of retirement money. How can financial planning software make it easier to keep your budget in line?

By Jessika Toothman

Investing may seem complicated, but there are ways to build your portfolio while minimizing risk. What's the best plan for diversifying your investments?

By Dave Roos

You can start investing even with a modest income. There's no need to keep procrastinating until the time is right. As little as $25 a month could get you closer to the life you dream of.

By Dave Roos


If you have debt, if you're saving for retirement, or if you just have general questions about your finances, you might consider a certified financial planner. They're not used only for the rich and famous to keep track of their huge incomes.

By Sarah Siddons

When you buy a stock future, you're not actually buying shares of stock. Instead, you're making a contract to buy or sell shares on a certain date in the future.

By Dave Roos