Do you want to volunteer your time to a worthy cause? When you're going to volunteer you should look for a charity whose cause is close to your heart. Read these volunteer articles to get informed.
10 Best Volunteer Activities in Retirement
Does the Peace Corps want retired volunteers?
Top 5 Volunteer Organizations for Retirees
How Planning a Charity Event Works
How is a charity different from a foundation?
What is a charitable trust?
How to Register for Toys for Tots
Can you be a professional volunteer?
Did women volunteers serve in World War II?
How to Volunteer to Help Disabled Veterans
How to Volunteer Nursing Services
How to Volunteer in a Nursing Home
How Food Banks Work
How the Association of Junior Leagues International Works
How the Student Conservation Association Works
Learn More / Page 4
While working in the United States can be difficult for a foreigner, volunteering is usually pretty simple. Forget the hassle of work visas. As long as you aren't being compensated for your volunteer work, you shouldn't need one.
So, are you finally ready to quit the 9-to-5 corporate grind and save the world? Here's all you need to know about starting your own nonprofit organization.
By Libby Little