
Not every college has the same admissions process and standards. We'll provide you with information on college admissions in the Admissions channel.

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According to one study, the cost of a college education rose more than 1,000 percent between 1978 and 2012. We examine reasons for the jump, and look at why some say it's not that bad.

By Dave Roos

Your whole future balances on acing one test -- but no pressure. We have 10 tips on how to stay calm, make a plan and study effectively for the MCAT.

By Patrick J. Kiger & Matt Cunningham

A degree from a top-ranked law school is one of the most prestigious postgraduate degrees available. Pursuing one, however, is a lot of hard work. How do you gain admission to law school?

By Josh Clark


Dentistry can be a very lucrative career and dentists are in demand. Becoming a dentist isn't that easy, though: There are only a few dozen dental schools in the U.S. and thousands of applications for very few slots. How can you gain an edge?

By Ed Grabianowski

The dental profession is one of the few bright spots in a gloomy employment picture for the U.S. The retirement of older dentists plus low past enrollment equals a very good prognosis for the future of the field -- but how do you get dental training?

By Linda C. Brinson

Gaining admission to medical school can be quite challenging, and once you get in, it will likely entail four years of blood, sweat and tears. Wouldn't you prefer to do it in the Caribbean or some other exotic locale?

By Victoria Vogt

During a downturn in the economy, it's likely that the number of people seeking out an MBA, or Master of Business Administration, will increase. With more people applying to business school, how can you stand out during the admissions process?

By Sarah Winkler


You've taken the LSAT, sent off your college transcripts and filled out the required forms. You're almost done with your law school applications, but now it's time to think about your essay.

By Linda C. Brinson

Are standardized tests the stuff of your nightmares? Find out how you can sleep easy again with these 10 tips for making the GRE less daunting.

By Laurie L. Dove & Patrick Murray

Applying for postdoctoral positions isn't like other college admissions processes. What kinds of places can you apply to, and what information will you need to submit?

By Tristin Hopper

For decades now, U.S. college admissions counselors have used race as a factor when accepting applicants. The rules are constantly changing, though, as students, educators and leaders question whether race should still be a determining factor.

By Thorin Klosowski


During the admissions process, many colleges use a standardized test, such as the SAT or ACT, to measure how well students will perform academically. What are your options, and how can you prepare if you opt to take a test?

By Susan Sherwood, Ph.D.

Hablas espanol? Parlez-vous francais? Sie sprechen Deutsch? If you answered "si," "oui" or "ja," your college application might stand out a little more from the rest of the applicant pile.

By Meredith Bower

Sure, it'd be nice to make the kind of money lawyers do, but think of the time it takes to get through law school. Can you really earn a quality law degree in just two years?

By Josh Briggs

Getting everything in order for college applications can be stressful, so many prospective students look for all the help they can get.

By Heather Kolich


The land of opportunity is also the land of entrepreneurship, the striving businessperson and, consequently, the business student. Are you looking to add those three expensive letters to your academic credentials?

By Jacob Silverman

Everyone knows that if you want to become a doctor, you must go to medical school first. But first you have to go through the admissions process, which is challenging itself.

By Stephanie Crawford

The Ivy League may have started out as an athletic consortium, but the name is now synonymous with academic rigor, professional achievement and exclusivity. How do you get in? Start here.

By Dave Roos

Getting in to the college of your choice requires a lot of filling out forms, writing essays and personal interviews. College Admissions Assistance will help you do it, for a fee. Should you sign up?

By Nathan Chandler


What does it take to make a remarkable piece of jewelry or to deliver a moving theater performance? Sure, a mastery of the fine arts requires talent and skill, but it also takes discipline and knowledge. An MFA can prepare you for the art world.

By Echo Surina

Describe yourself. Tell us your greatest weakness (skillfully turned into a strength, of course). How would you bring about world peace? We’re just kidding on that last one, but the person opposite you at your graduate school interview may not be.

By Marie Willsey

So, you want to be a lawyer. You've got a stellar GPA, and you've chosen the law school you want to attend. There's only one thing left to do before you can complete your application: take the LSAT. Why does this test instill fear and dread in so many students?

By Bambi Turner

If you want to be a doctor when you grow up, you'll have to get past the MCAT first. The Medical College Admissions Test is the most brutal aspect of the medical school admissions process, but you can crack it with a little help and a little practice.

By Dave Roos


When embarking on a college career, it pays to be curious. The more questions you have, and the more comfortable you are asking them, the better you'll be able to evaluate the colleges you have in mind.

By Sara Elliott

For many high school students, college looms as the place where they'll form lifelong friendships, take tentative steps toward a chosen career and -- oh -- educate themselves further. Is a college visit necessary to pick a good school?

By Caitlin Uttley