Undergraduate Admissions

Applying for an undergraduate program can vary from school to school. This section provides you with information about some of the most common elements of the undergrad admission process.

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According to one study, the cost of a college education rose more than 1,000 percent between 1978 and 2012. We examine reasons for the jump, and look at why some say it's not that bad.

By Dave Roos

During the admissions process, many colleges use a standardized test, such as the SAT or ACT, to measure how well students will perform academically. What are your options, and how can you prepare if you opt to take a test?

By Susan Sherwood, Ph.D.

Hablas espanol? Parlez-vous francais? Sie sprechen Deutsch? If you answered "si," "oui" or "ja," your college application might stand out a little more from the rest of the applicant pile.

By Meredith Bower


Getting everything in order for college applications can be stressful, so many prospective students look for all the help they can get.

By Heather Kolich

The Ivy League may have started out as an athletic consortium, but the name is now synonymous with academic rigor, professional achievement and exclusivity. How do you get in? Start here.

By Dave Roos

Getting in to the college of your choice requires a lot of filling out forms, writing essays and personal interviews. College Admissions Assistance will help you do it, for a fee. Should you sign up?

By Nathan Chandler

When embarking on a college career, it pays to be curious. The more questions you have, and the more comfortable you are asking them, the better you'll be able to evaluate the colleges you have in mind.

By Sara Elliott


For many high school students, college looms as the place where they'll form lifelong friendships, take tentative steps toward a chosen career and -- oh -- educate themselves further. Is a college visit necessary to pick a good school?

By Caitlin Uttley

Picking the right college is about more than just academics. Everything from the dining hall's menu to the cleanliness of your dorm affects your experience. To get a taste of co-ed life, you'll have to visit the campus.

By Chris Obenschain

Of all the metrics used to compare colleges, rankings are the most common. Learn about the controversy behind them and how best to evaluate schools.

By Jacob Silverman

Is higher education ready to enter the digital age? Many people think so -- more and more colleges and universities are offering online classes and even full degrees.

By Lee Ann Obringer


Many teenagers spend the whole of their high school years making sure they get accepted to their dream college. How does the college admission process work? And how can you increase your chances of getting accepted to your school of choice?

Next to your grades and academic record, the SAT is one of the most important factors in college admissions. This new article explains the SAT in detail!