Work Life

The Work Life channel describes issues most of us face on the job. Explore work life issues from the dirtiest jobs to the executive suite.

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When you know how to connect Bluetooth to your Dell laptop you'll get the most out of your electronics. So, how do you do it?

By Francisco Guzman

You'd like to learn how to convert the old audio files on your computer to MP3 format. In this article you will learn how to convert audio files to MP3.

By Contributors

You need to save a Word document as a picture, but you're not sure how to do it. Learn about how to save a Word document as a picture in this article.

By Contributors


If the recession has recently caught up with you and you suddenly find yourself out of a job, it's important to learn how to apply for unemployment benefits as soon as possible. This article shows you how to apply for unemployment benefits.

By Contributors

Someone has sent you a file in an e-mail attachment that is apparently a zip file, and now you have to learn how to open a zip file. Read here to see how to open a zip file.

By Contributors

If you're worried about hackers and spammers tracking your Internet use, it's a good idea to delete unnecessary computer cookies from your browser. This article shows you how to delete computer cookies.

By Contributors

If you want to send or share a document with others, but you don't want them to be able to make changes to it, consider making it into a PDF document. Read this article to learn how to make a PDF document.

By Contributors


You'd like to learn how to create a zip file so you can send your large files via e-mail quicker. Learn about how to create a zip file in this article.

By Contributors

Though you may have made mistakes in your past, you want a fresh start, and would like to expunge a felony from your record. Learn about how to expunge a felony from your record in this article.

By Contributors

It's important to make a good business card, because your business card is your representation to your clients and associates, long after the first meeting is over. Learn about how to make business cards in this article.

By Contributors

You sense a coworker is talking behind your back, and you don't know how to handle it. Learn how to handle a backstabbing coworker in this article.

By Contributors


You have to write a professional letter, but are not sure what has to be included. Learn about how to write a professional letter in this article.

By Contributors

Ever had a meeting that seems to combine a first date and a job interview? You have if you've ever tried to sell a potential client on your product, your company or yourself. These five tips will help you get through meeting new clients without breaking a sweat.

By Dave Roos

Everyone has to deal with work deadlines, but they don't have to run your life. No, really. Here are five tips that anyone could use to help get everything done on time.

By Ed Grabianowski

Meeting a new boss is a bit like going on a blind date -- an uneasy mix of anticipation and anxiety. You don't know if you'll hit it off, and you have to learn whether your boss is insecure and needy, or confident and energetic. But what if your boss doesn't know what he or she is doing or, worse, is just plain bossy?

By Craig Haggit


Even great bosses occasionally act like jerks. However, if you repeatedly find yourself feeling demoralized after interacting with your superior, chances are you're dealing with an unfair boss.

By Gerlinda Grimes

Difficult people abound in life. But when those individuals affect your workplace, it can really make life miserable. The good news is that there are some things you can do to deal with challenging co-workers effectively and maintain sanity within your place of business.

By Colleen Cancio

There are many ways to promote your business acumen online. But you have to be careful to maintain a polished image. What's the best way to appear professional on the Internet?

By Nathan Chandler

If you know one of your fellow employees is being dishonest, you may be forced to handle it yourself. But how will you deal with it? The answer depends on how dishonest your coworker has been.

By Jonathan Strickland


Giving a presentation is a task many people dread. Yet, it's a necessary skill in today's business world. Here are some tips to help you look poised and confident during your pitch.

By Josh Briggs

You like your supervisor pretty well, and you know he's got a Facebook account. But your friend told you it's a bad idea to get too close to the boss. Can adding him as an online friend harm your working relationship?

By Jonathan Strickland

Spending time on your favorite social networks may seem like fun, but it can also be a boon to your career. Sometimes instead of you finding a new job, the new job finds you.

By Stephanie Crawford

If you've been monitoring the first 100 days of the Obama administration, you know a little something about the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. The case of unequal pay for men and women in the workplace continues to plague society in the 21st century.

By Cristen Conger


It's a job-seeker's nightmare paradox: Cram as much information about yourself in as few words as possible. See expert advice for how to write a resume that will land an interview.

By Jane McGrath

You poked fun at them in school, but see who's laughing now. Day after day, your hard work goes unnoticed, and it seems like the ones doing the brownnosing get the promotions and perks.

By Jane McGrath