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5 Things You Must Bring to Your Tax Preparer's Office

What are the must-haves before you go to meet with your tax preparer? Get the list of 5 things you need to bring to your tax preparer's office.

Who Writes and Enforces the U.S. Tax Code?

Who writes and enforces the U.S. tax code? Read about who writes and enforces the tax laws in the United States.

Why Do Americans Pay Taxes on April 15?

To U.S. taxpayers, April 15 comes with lots of scrambling and sweating to send some cash or paperwork to the IRS. But why does Tax Day fall on that particular date? And why is it on April 18 sometimes?

How WIC Works

What is WIC? Read about the Women, Infants and Children program and how WIC helps needy families get the nutrition they need.

10 Top Tips for Preparing for the MCAT

Your whole future balances on acing one test -- but no pressure. We have 10 tips on how to stay calm, make a plan and study effectively for the MCAT.

5 Ways Mobile Banking Alerts Can Benefit You

5 ways mobile banking alerts can benefit you are explained in this article by HowStuffWorks. Learn about 5 ways mobile banking alerts can benefit you.

How to Choose a Family Cell Phone Plan

Learn how to choose a family cell phone plan in this article. Visit HowStuffWorks to read about how to choose a family cell phone plan.

Is it safe to shop online with a debit card?

Is it safe to shop online with a debit card? In this article by, find out if it's safe to shop online with a debit card.

How can your bank help you go paperless?

How can your bank help you go paperless? Learn more about how your bank can help you go paperless in this article by

How do deal-of-the-day Web sites work?

How do deal-of-the-day websites work? In this article, learn how deal-of-the-day websites work from

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